Thursday 8 October 2015

Part 3 - To compete or not to compete?

The end of competing for this year??

I would like to write today's blog today as I have calmed down now after the British Championships. WOW! What an anticlimax. However, I hope to shed some light on this industry. How tough it can be. Maybe advise others of what maybe to look for. Because I can assure you - it is ruthless to say the least and there are not many athletes willing to share their knowledge, experience or downfalls. If I am completely honest I can only count on 1 hand the down to earth and helpful individuals that I have met on my competing journey... and I have met a lot of individuals!

What to expect back stage
You will find many girls being very fake to one another!! Like life I guess, many followers wanting to be in the 'it' group. But if you are serious about the game you will find your only little niche and other like minded competitors that have the same idea as you and these are the girls that you will find friendship in.
I met a couple of amazing girls at the British. But this has by far been my worst backstage experience yet. I don't think I heard any girls cheering each other on. Simply ruthless!

So my advice...

  1. If you want to be a follower then sure go ahead (you will more than likely get further this way within the UKBFF anyway!)
  2. On the other hand if you are more of a tom-boy like me then find your area, have a decent playlist and visualize yourself on stage. (I say tom-boy... I am still very friendly! but not fake!)
  3. Don't get ready too early - you will be surprised how long you will be kept waiting, you will not be told when you are on stage so watch your carb intake!
Is competing for you?

I have now grown a pretty thick skin so this recent experience has actually made me appreciate what I have happening in my life. (I am 5th from the front)
I didn't place at the British. Which obviously upset me. As you can imagine and some of you reading will know... You put EVERYTHING into this 1 day!! I mean my daily checklist always has POSING written on it. My diet is dead on point to the gram every single day, I do not and will never cheat myself when I have a goal set. So like I say as you can imagine this time on stage has your everything in it!
I absolutely looked my best, 100% the judges did not look at me for 20 seconds. In my opinion they already had their winners. Once again they were rushed and short of time so rushed all the girls on the stage and the quarter turns were shockingly quick - the judges could not compare 21 girls in 15 second turns its simply not achievable.

So myself and many others simply felt cheated as this was an unfair show. One girl was left in the line and not called up to the line-up once to becompared as they forgot to call her number??!!, yes everyone worked very hard to be there but no way was this judged fairly which is the only upsetting part.

  • You are working very hard for a long time to be JUDGED do not forget that! They simply may not like you on this day and what they say goes.
  • DO YOUR RESEARCH (I personally will never put my money into the UKBFF again, I still haven't received feedback from my first show after numerous emails and phone calls!) find the federation for you - a professional one if you are serious.
  • If you have a coach do your best to do your own studying, connect with your body and feel the changes (It is so worth doing this alone as you really know how your body is reacting and you can take this with you into the future).
  • Remember to be proud of yourself no matter what
  • Stay grounded and humble and keep yourself focused.
  • RESEARCH - again needs to go into post show - post show blues, post show diet. Get this wrong and you can be heading down a long road of mental health problems and will pile weight on like no tomorrow!!
This all sounds negative huh?!

In all seriousness this is information I could have only dreamed of! We all should find this kind of information before going through such an intense journey I mean you will get OCD and crazy mood swings (mood swings if the diet balance is wrong). 

This process is a complete life changer and many of those completing the process and getting onto the stage become serious competitors in more ways than one. So this is truly an amazing experience teaching you - management skills, confidence, self discipline, strength, organisation skills. It will teach you so much about yourself its mental! But be aware it can be very lonely at times as many of your family members won't really understand what you are going through which will then make you feel selfish as your life really is all about you (this feeling goes on competition day).

I have worked hard to make sure I have goals in place post competition. An amazing nutrition company has sponsored me and I am proud to wear their brand as they too are down to earth and honest. I have fitness modelling jobs coming up and also have had clothing brands approach me. 

 (I am 3rd one in from left)

To some everything up, it has truly been an amazing journey. But like I say! Be prepared to work so intensely day in day out for a 'judge' to look at you for less than 30secs!

Competing certainly is not over for me. I get such a buzz from it. However, I will learn from my mistakes and will certainly do my research next time. I will not be becoming friendly with any 'judge' to become noticed!

Until my next blog.... over and out.

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