Monday 2 November 2015

The most amazing protein pancakes....

Tried and tested.... minimal ingredients with maximum flavour. And takes 10mins or less!

× 1.5 scoops vanilla casein (or any flavour you choose. You can use whey too but the texture of these are divine)

× 1 tbsn coconut flour

× 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

× 4 egg whites

× 1 tbsn quark or cottage cheese

× splash of almond milk

Mix dry ingredients together. Then mix the wet ingredients together. Slowly add the wet stuff to the dry stuff mixing as you go.

You will end up with a fairly thick consistency, if it is to thick add another splash of almond milk. 

Heat up coconut oil in a pan and fry 4 thick pancakes, now add the blueberries as they cook.

Approx 1 min or less each side until golden brown. Then drizzle with some choc shot !! AMAZING!!

Try adding cocoa nibs to the mixture. .. you get a nice little crunch then... or you can add cinnamon... what ever you want! Just make sure it's clean healthy stuff 😉

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Chocolate Black Bean Protein Brownies!!

These Brownies are like real brownies but without any of the nasties!! I have read many recipes about these black bean brownies, just thought it was too good to be true! Added my own twist to them and I will be making these on a weekly basis!


  • 1 Can of black beans (organic always tastes better!), drained and rinsed well
  • 3 Tbsp cocoa powder 
  • 1/2 scoop chocolate whey protein powder, 1/2 vanilla casein (just add 1 scoop of 1 if you don't have both)
  • 1 tbsp agave or honey (I left this out, I like bitter chocolate!)
  • 1 tbsp truvia / natural sweetener 
  • 3.5 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp cocoa butter (only add if you have it, but an even better texture with it)
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • sprinkle of cocoa nibs
  • sprinkle of dark chocolate (broken or use chips, I use 85%)
  • Vanilla extract


  • Pre heat oven to 200
  • Grease you baking tray with coconut oil (only makes about 6-8 brownies so a small square tray)
  • place your black beans into a food processor and blitz
  • mix all dry ingredients together then add gradually to the food processor, blitzing as you go, push down the sides if needed
  • melt the coconut oil and cocoa butter together then add to the mixture
  • add vanilla extract
  • mix in the cocoa nibs
  • blitz till smooth
  • add the mixture to your tray and even out with a knife, I tried a spatula but the mixture just gets stuck!
  • press the chocolate chips on top and bake in the oven for 17-20 mins
  • don't leave longer than 20! they may not look cooked but they are! leave to cool, slice and refrigerate in a air tight container.
  • last for a few days and are best cold. I sandwiched mine with thick greek yogurt and WheyHey protein ice cream!! Yum 

You can try alternatives-
So for kids you can add drinking chocolate instead of cocoa powder for a sweeter milk chocolaty taste. These were perfect for me but may be slightly bitter for others.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Vanilla Protein Cupcakes with a Chocolate Frosting!

As pomised please see below the ingredients and method of how to make these lovely cakes!!

Maybe the best texture I have made yet... Still need to play around a little especially with getting the frosting thick enough! This batch was an overall 7.5 for me... the texture in comparison to any other protein cake I have done was an 8.5!! The secret??? CASEIN!!!

For cake...
  •  1.5 Scoops vanilla casein (or what ever flavour cake you would like)
  •  80g coconut flour
  • 25g low fat almond flour
  • 1 and 1/5 tsp baking powder
Mix dry ingredients together
  •  40g melted coconut oil
  • 140ml unsweetened almond milk
  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
For the frosting...

  • 1 - 2 scoops rich chocolate flavour protein powder (any kind)
  • Plain Greek yogurt
  1. Preheat oven to 180
  2. mix dry ingredients
  3. mix wet ingredients in a separate bowl, all ingredients must be at room temperature otherwise the coconut oil will solidify and we don't want that!
  4. Then mix the wet with the dry, the batter will be very thick so don't worry!
  5. Line your cupcake baking tray with 7-10 liners and distribute the batter evenly
  6. cook for approx. 25mins or until golden
  7. wait until cakes are completely cool then make your icing.
  8. Add the yogurt to the powder in spoonful's, don't add to much as you want a thick frosting (I am still working on this! I used half normal yogurt... wrong move as it make my frosting too sloppy)
  9. once mixed pipe your icing on to your cake and there you have it. YUMINESS
Macros approx.
Carbs - 10
Protein - 14
Fat - 7
Calories - 130


The most simple a quickest snack EVER! Literally you can make these in minutes and then store them for at least 2 weeks in the fridge and 3months in the freezer!!

What you need...
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 heaped scoop chocolate whey protein
  • 2 tbsp milled linseed
  • 2 tbsp agave syrup (depends on how clean you want them! you can add maple or honey)
  • 3 tbsp Peanut butter (I used nuts 'n' more Chocolate peanut
  • water
  1. Simply mix the dry together then the wet together in separate bowls.
  2. Add the wet to the dry EXCEPT the water. the mixture is very sticky so get your hands in there and really work it.
  3. Add water ONLY if needed, 1 spoon at a time. If you add too much you will then have to add more powder etc.
  4. Keep working the mixture. you don't want sticky sloppy balls so just add water slowly until JUST combined.
  5. Roll into approx.
  6. in a bowl add milled linseed OR desiccated coconut and roll the balls into the mixture to dust the outside!
  7. Store in an air tight container and keep in fridge
MANY more of these to come so keep your eyes peeled for new recipes

Thursday 8 October 2015

Part 3 - To compete or not to compete?

The end of competing for this year??

I would like to write today's blog today as I have calmed down now after the British Championships. WOW! What an anticlimax. However, I hope to shed some light on this industry. How tough it can be. Maybe advise others of what maybe to look for. Because I can assure you - it is ruthless to say the least and there are not many athletes willing to share their knowledge, experience or downfalls. If I am completely honest I can only count on 1 hand the down to earth and helpful individuals that I have met on my competing journey... and I have met a lot of individuals!

What to expect back stage
You will find many girls being very fake to one another!! Like life I guess, many followers wanting to be in the 'it' group. But if you are serious about the game you will find your only little niche and other like minded competitors that have the same idea as you and these are the girls that you will find friendship in.
I met a couple of amazing girls at the British. But this has by far been my worst backstage experience yet. I don't think I heard any girls cheering each other on. Simply ruthless!

So my advice...

  1. If you want to be a follower then sure go ahead (you will more than likely get further this way within the UKBFF anyway!)
  2. On the other hand if you are more of a tom-boy like me then find your area, have a decent playlist and visualize yourself on stage. (I say tom-boy... I am still very friendly! but not fake!)
  3. Don't get ready too early - you will be surprised how long you will be kept waiting, you will not be told when you are on stage so watch your carb intake!
Is competing for you?

I have now grown a pretty thick skin so this recent experience has actually made me appreciate what I have happening in my life. (I am 5th from the front)
I didn't place at the British. Which obviously upset me. As you can imagine and some of you reading will know... You put EVERYTHING into this 1 day!! I mean my daily checklist always has POSING written on it. My diet is dead on point to the gram every single day, I do not and will never cheat myself when I have a goal set. So like I say as you can imagine this time on stage has your everything in it!
I absolutely looked my best, 100% the judges did not look at me for 20 seconds. In my opinion they already had their winners. Once again they were rushed and short of time so rushed all the girls on the stage and the quarter turns were shockingly quick - the judges could not compare 21 girls in 15 second turns its simply not achievable.

So myself and many others simply felt cheated as this was an unfair show. One girl was left in the line and not called up to the line-up once to becompared as they forgot to call her number??!!, yes everyone worked very hard to be there but no way was this judged fairly which is the only upsetting part.

  • You are working very hard for a long time to be JUDGED do not forget that! They simply may not like you on this day and what they say goes.
  • DO YOUR RESEARCH (I personally will never put my money into the UKBFF again, I still haven't received feedback from my first show after numerous emails and phone calls!) find the federation for you - a professional one if you are serious.
  • If you have a coach do your best to do your own studying, connect with your body and feel the changes (It is so worth doing this alone as you really know how your body is reacting and you can take this with you into the future).
  • Remember to be proud of yourself no matter what
  • Stay grounded and humble and keep yourself focused.
  • RESEARCH - again needs to go into post show - post show blues, post show diet. Get this wrong and you can be heading down a long road of mental health problems and will pile weight on like no tomorrow!!
This all sounds negative huh?!

In all seriousness this is information I could have only dreamed of! We all should find this kind of information before going through such an intense journey I mean you will get OCD and crazy mood swings (mood swings if the diet balance is wrong). 

This process is a complete life changer and many of those completing the process and getting onto the stage become serious competitors in more ways than one. So this is truly an amazing experience teaching you - management skills, confidence, self discipline, strength, organisation skills. It will teach you so much about yourself its mental! But be aware it can be very lonely at times as many of your family members won't really understand what you are going through which will then make you feel selfish as your life really is all about you (this feeling goes on competition day).

I have worked hard to make sure I have goals in place post competition. An amazing nutrition company has sponsored me and I am proud to wear their brand as they too are down to earth and honest. I have fitness modelling jobs coming up and also have had clothing brands approach me. 

 (I am 3rd one in from left)

To some everything up, it has truly been an amazing journey. But like I say! Be prepared to work so intensely day in day out for a 'judge' to look at you for less than 30secs!

Competing certainly is not over for me. I get such a buzz from it. However, I will learn from my mistakes and will certainly do my research next time. I will not be becoming friendly with any 'judge' to become noticed!

Until my next blog.... over and out.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

3 Days Out From the UKBFF British Championships

Good evening!

It is now 21:20 and I am absolutely ready for my bed!!

Not sure if I mentioned in my first blog that I am also currently a student! 2nd year studying Animal Biology & Wildlife Conservation... 2nd week of the year and I most certainly will not fall behind so have just spent a few hours catching up on that! (difficult times when I want to be 100% in everything that I do!)

Tomorrow I will be eating carbs again! Yippee... I really should of played around in the past as the more I read the more I am confusing myself as I simply do not know how my body will react haha! I have been looking pretty flat but in comparison to the last peak week I look leaner and I don't feel so lethargic and crap! So we live and we learn...

The Plan

I have been on 60g of carbs for 3 days, 10g coming from veg and 50g from oats.
Tomorrow I will raise this with more slow releasing carbs to 100g after my glycotic depletion circuit. Then on Friday I will double the intake to 200g consuming the majority after 4pm I will cut my water intake completely after 5pm on Friday.
So lets see how we go with that!


I picked my bikini up today from my sister (she has been blinging the suit up). 1 word... AMAZING!! I have also been perfecting my posing, so really everything depends on my nutrition and I hope I peak perfectly on time!!

Well thats my update for you... I feel very calm and I am not ahead of myself this time. This literally is me against me now and the amount I am learning about myself is amazing.

Everyday is a day to be a better you. Stay grounded, remain focused but remember not to take anything so seriously. As an old man once said to me... 'you will be here 1 day to
you know!' We all grow old so make lots and lots of happy times!!


Monday 28 September 2015

Part 1

Hello Bloggers & Readers!

Well... this is my first ever blog, so please correct me if what ever I am doing is completely incorrect but here goes!

I wanted to start up this blog to express my fitness journey, not only fitness but my journey as a person. I would like to share my ups and of course my downs and I am also keen to help others with their own journeys.

So writing everything down will help me and I can only hope that sharing will also help others along the way!! I will be sharing my nutrition tips, exercise tips, my moods and how I deal with life stuff! And also I will like to keep you posted with everything that is involved with competing.

Where I am at right now...

OK... I am currently 5 days out from the British Championships! After a successful placing at the Kent Klassics, I came second and was invited to take part in the British. This left me with approximately 4 weeks to prepare and change what ever I needed to change for the finals.

If I am honest I was slightly disheartened with the second place. Yes! it is amazing. But I thought I had it... 3 weeks later I see a video of the 'pose of' or 'comparisons' (where you pose amongst the other competitors so the judges can determine who is the winner). After this I can now happily say that the winner was certainly the winner.

This makes me feel relieved as I started to believe that it was all politics! I felt very let down with the system. I really believe I failed with my posing. I certainly brought the best physique but the winner had the moves!! I thought I had my posing down to the T after all the practice but I rushed and made some silly annoying mistakes. So I now know what I need to do and I need to relax on that stage!!

The next stages...
5 days out. My peak week for the above show was organised for me with a nutritionist. However, we both did not know how my body would react. So we played it safe.

I cut carbs for 3 days then 2 days before the show I loaded up with carbs but I now believe I did not consume enough carbs. Then on the day, again we played it safe and we decided not to carb up on any fast sugars etc just some oats an hour before stage. I also dehydrated myself a fair bit leading up to show day, I also played with sodium and natural diuretics. Looking at the pictures (others have agreed) I believe I look maybe too depleted and my muscles were not full. The day after the show following 2 cheat meals, including cheesecake and doughnuts I had a photo shoot. I looked amazing!! my muscles were so full and I felt tight... I have competed once before but honestly did not take much notice as to how I felt and looked!! I was just amazed that I had done it! I now take it much more seriously...

So what do I do this week?? I do not know!! haha. I have a plan. I started my carb depletion today but instead of completely cutting carbs I am having 1 50g carb meal per day after my glycotic depletion training for 3 days. 2 days before the show (Thurs & Fri) I will be consuming 200-250 grams of carbs      all complex carbs (oats, sweet potato & brown rice). Then on show day I will be eating complex carbs through out the day. 2 hours before I will go for 50g carbs, 30g fats, then 15mins before pumping up I will consume simple carbs (maybe jam or marshmallows) I still need to figure that out! Hoping that the simple carbs will rush to my depleted muscles filling me out just in time for me to show off on stage!

Apart from all of this I have been prepping/dieting now since the 27th April. I can honestly tell you that this is the only time I can feel a battle coming on! I will not be bulking again post show (mentally this is no good for me).
However, I will be reverse dieting to bring my carbs up and I plan to maintain a healthy but lean physique... this is scary!! I know what I need to do post comp... I also think it would be easy for me guide some one else post show. but.... because the journey is so long and intense you just want to feel like you have a routine already!! Need to find the medium for yourself and where you are happy with your diet and exercise routine. The thing that makes me nervous is - if I do not have a goal where I HAVE to stick to my plan then... will I be able to manage this without a goal or plan? This is pretty difficult to explain so I plan to continue this within my next blog(s).

First 1 was long.... I had to get you up-to-date!! I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed writing!!